Cascade CMS Updates and Next Steps
About the Migration
In September 2024, the Office of Marketing and Communications announced that, during the 2024-25 year, Messiah University will be moving its institutional website ( to a new Content Management System (CMS) named Cascade CMS. Specifically designed for higher education, Cascade will enhance the web editing experience for Messiah’s CMS users while significantly simplifying the server infrastructure required for our website.
Next Steps for Website Users
As we continue this transition, here’s what you can expect:We are currently working on a comprehensive content audit of all subsites on Our goal of this audit is to ensure we are only migrating the most relevant, important and up-to-date content to the Cascade server. To achieve this, we need your help.
How web users will help
Starting January 27, Subsite owners will receive their content audit sheet that includes a detailed list of their pages, documents (PDFs and Word files), and forms. Google Analytics data will also be provided to help evaluate the relevance and necessity of each page.
- As we work through completing the audits on our end, we will be sending them to their respective subsite owners throughout the end of January and beginning of February.
- Subsite owners will have two weeks to review and complete their content audits.
- Please plan to review the audit thoroughly with any other web editors your department.
- The content audit sheets will be the primary guide for your migration. If a page, form, or download is not listed or marked "no" for migration, it will not be moved to the Cascade server.
- With all of this in mind, please note that the Jadu server will be available post migration for recovering any pages or content that may have been missed in the audit.
- Should you have any questions or concerns before, during, or after your content audit process you can reach out to Web Services Manager, Jen Romanchak, directly at
- If you currently use xForms, your forms will be included in the content audit sheet. Please review them during the content audit and decide if all forms are still needed and should be migrated.
- For the forms that are still needed, please review this helpful guide from IT on form solution best practices: Forms on Campus.
- Each subsite owner will be responsible for migrating and moving their forms into a new solution. See more about training below.
The web services team will offer training sessions for the newest available form solution, Clive, upon request and on-demand to ensure users can seamlessly transition their existing forms. Subsite owners and editors will be responsible for selecting and implementing their preferred form solutions. Web services and ITs are available for support as needed.
Web users can expect to relieve more specific details on Cascade training in early March. Cascade training sessions will be available in 3 formats to accommodate all user needs:
- Weekly in-person sessions will be available to sign up for as schedules allow
- Zoom sessions will be available for those unable to attend in person
- On-demand training will be available as well
If you are planning on using Cascade, you must attend one of the 3 possible training formats prior to your subsite going live on
Find more information on our Cascade Training page.
As we move into Cascade, please note a few difference on how events will be displayed:
- There will not be a central event page that aggregates all campus wide events
- Events can be displayed on each individual subsite and linked to from other pages
- Event landing pages will be much more flexible for users to include images and event details
- We do intend to look for an event aggregator once the Cascade migration is complete
ITS will discontinue the W-Drive in early August 2025. Content editors must migrate any necessary files from the W-Drive into Cascade once thier subsite is live in Cascade.
Key Points:
- Files on the W-Drive will not be included in the content audit or automatic migration to Cascade. Each content editor is responsible for transferring their own files before the W-Drive is discontinued.
- Cascade provides built-in secure storage for documents and pages. Each subsite will automatically include a secure folder, and content editors will receive training on how to use it during Cascade training.
Please plan accordingly to ensure a smooth transition. More details and training resources will be shared as we approach the migration.
Progress Update
We're excited to announce that the Web Services subsite has successfully migrated to Cascade and is now live! Check out this short video for a sneak peek at how Cascade CMS works: